Violaine Boutet de Monvel

PhD. From video feedback to generative AI: on recursivity in the arts and media

The Artistic Legacy of Colby Posters and Beyond

Conversation with Jan Tumlir & Terencio González, June 5 & 8 2020; video montage uploaded on

Recorded on June 5 & 8, 2020
Edited by Violaine Boutet de Monvel

Featured Works by

The Colby Poster Printing Company
Felipe Lima & C.R. Stecyk III
Nicolas Rodriguez Fuchs & Pablo Pivetta
Terencio González
Robert Massin
Jacques Villeglé
Peter Coffin
Ed Ruscha
Mark Rothko
Christopher Michlig
Allen Ruppersberg
Eve Fowler
Mark Bradford
Jackson Pollock & Hans Namuth

Special Thanks to

Terencio González
Jan Tumlir
Christopher Michlig
Jérôme Pauchant
Michèle Didier
Carlos Carmona
Idris El Kasri
Anne Boutet de Monvel
Jean-Jacques Sansuc