Violaine Boutet de Monvel

PhD. From video feedback to generative AI: on recursivity in the arts and media

  • Flagship Dolce & Gabbana by Reneau Olivier

    Translation of a monograph published by Archibooks (Paris), 2022.

  • Marcel Duchamp & Bruno Munari by Luca Zaffarano, Pierpaolo Antonello, Didier Ottinger, Camille Paulhan and Bernard Marcadé

    Translation of an exhibition catalogue published by Loeve&Co (Paris), 2022.

  • Georges Tony Stoll by GTS, Philippe Joanny and Jérôme Poggi

    Translation of an exhibition catalogue published by Jérôme Poggi (Paris) / Collection Lambert (Avignon), 2022.

  • Niilofur Farrukh

    Traduction d’un entretien publié dans Focus – Arts de l’Islam, décembre 2021, pp. 24-34.

  • ENS Paris Social by Matali Crasset

    Translation of a designer’s text published on, November 2021.