Archistorm no. 61
Translation of Archistorm (Paris), special issue no. 61 – VenhoevenCS, March-April 2024.
Cybernetic subjectivities on a loop: from video feedback to generative AI
Peer-reviewed article published in NECSUS European Journal of Media Studies (Amsterdam), vol. 12, no. 2 – #Cycles, Autumn 2023.
Joanie Lemercier by Juliette Bibasse
Translation of an exhibition catalogue published by The Steidz (Paris), 2023.
The Steidz Newspaper #2
Translation of The Steidz Newspaper (Paris), no. 2, 2023.
The power of images as real-time agency: from video feedback to generative AI
Paper at the 5th Postgraduate International Conference: A Driving Force. On the Rhetoric of Images and Power, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, 5 October 2023, 14.00-16.30.