Violaine Boutet de Monvel

Lecturer & PhD candidate | Art writer & translator

  • Djamel Tatah by Mouna Mekouar

    Translation of a gallery text published by Jérôme Poggi (Paris), January-February 2023.

  • File Under : Slime – rencontre avec Christopher Michlig

    Séminaire invité du LIRA, suivi d’une conversation avec Christopher Michlig, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, Maison de la Recherche, Salle Claude Simon, 21 novembre 2022, 18h-20h.

  • The Steidz Newspaper #1

    Translation of The Steidz Newspaper (Paris), no. 1, 2022.

  • Edvard Munch by Jérôme Poggi and Lou Justin-Tailhades

    Translation of gallery texts published by Jérôme Poggi (Paris), September-November 2022.

  • The Steidz #8

    Translation of The Steidz (Paris), no. 8, 2022.