Georges Tony Stoll by GTS, Philippe Joanny and Jérôme Poggi
Translation of an exhibition catalogue published by Jérôme Poggi (Paris) / Collection Lambert (Avignon), 2022.
ENS Paris Social by Matali Crasset
Translation of a designer’s text published on www.matalicrasset.com, November 2021.
50/50: 50th-anniversary exhibition of the École des arts de la Sorbonne
Gallery text published by Galerie Michel Journiac, Centre Saint-Charles, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris), September-November 2021.
The Steidz #7
Translation of The Steidz (Paris), no. 7, September 2021.
Soufiane Ababri by himself and Antoine Idier
Translation of a monograph published by The Steidz (Paris), 2021.